The Way to Stand Out

Author: Carmen M. (PenMarketer)

the way to stand out

how do i set myself apart from the rest?

In my last blog post "The Typical Salesperson", I discussed the typical salesperson and how that pushy approach can often deter a person from following through with a sale. In this brief article, I will discuss the fundamentals of separating yourself from that approach. What can you do to NOT be like those other guys? ... and gals.

Humanize Yourself!

It astonishes me how we interact with family and friends but our "go to" personality with business is robotic. I think it's a societal belief that has been embedded in our minds. We have to clear that out and reprogram it. Some other great tips from me to you would be:

Surprise Your Customers

 Keep them guessing. If you have a new freebie item you package with your products allow the customer to share in this pleasant discovery when they receive the item. It’s like planning for the holidays; the joy is all in the reaction! Make your customer feel as though they’re the only one and that they’re special. Even though you have more than one client to cater to, people just like to feel special. It adds that touch of individuality and uniqueness in their eyes.

I receive advertising emails daily. The ones that generically read “Dear Customer, we’re delighted to offer you our etc product…” snooze! I don’t open. When I see a personalized one like “Good Afternoon Carmen, we noticed you haven’t logged in your account in a while. We want to make sure you’re enjoying our service. Is there some way we can help you?” I’ll open it up and remember that I haven’t logged on in some time. See how it got my attention?

Listen with a Good Set of Ears

Customers love to talk about themselves, their jobs or businesses, their children and their lives. Most salespeople chalk this type of interaction up to ‘small talk’ but there’s something to learn about your client even if subtly in conversations. Imagine if you created a product planner and you talked to a frustrated mother that feels she can never get her children to school on time – that very bit of knowledge could spark an idea for you. 

Perhaps, you go back to the drawing board and think “What if I created a planner for mom’s where their child’s schedule is separate from their own to help them keep track of their daily obligations better?” Hmm… now that’s a golden nugget that wouldn’t have been discovered if you wrote her off as a chatty mother.

You as a business person have been a customer at some point. Ask yourself, what did you look for to be a satisfied buyer? If you can see your customer like you see yourself then you would find it much easier to understand them. If selling through words isn't your forte, no worries! This is where I come in.

The end of the pen.

Till next time,