

I assist you with achieving your goals by providing you with copywriting and content writing services, and utilizing all of what I know to use the most powerful tool in our possession - and that is words. Something so misunderstood and underused. If you don’t know how to verbalize your thoughts and wishes to others, no one will take the time to listen.

This is such a difficulty for many people yet so important that it has caused businesses to hire a copywriter, to craft the words for them. When it’s all said and done, they’re happy with the end result with little idea of what made the copy so effective. That is why a professional is necessary, because their sole focus is to analyze information like this to determine what worked, what didn't, and the reasons why.

Good copy will help you to connect with people and to get the opportunities you’re looking for all through words. Here’s a breakdown list of what I can give to you:

• I give you content to create and sustain long-lasting meaningful relationships.
• I give you resources to identify your goals in-depth and accomplish them.
• I give you a deeper understanding and connection with your audience.
• I give you insight into what exactly your audience is looking for.
• I give you the chance of increased opportunities and interest.

Who is the writer behind the content here?

I’m Carmen. Pleased to meet you.

For as long as I can remember, people have always fascinated me. From my early childhood, I was often described as very quiet by most and seldom by those who understood me best, descriptively: observant and analytical. These traits in my character naturally led me down a path of founding my own company, Pen Marketer, that taps into the psychology of writing, connecting with people, and the power of communication, all with the goal of helping you.

I’m both a creative writer and copywriter, among many other interests. But more than anything, I love to help people. I am a supporter for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and anyone with ideas and creativity that they want to share with the world. I encourage you to act on those thoughts instead of letting them remain just that, a thought. Fear kills too many dreams. Don’t let yours suffer the same fate.

I don’t have to see your face and know what you look like to identify with you as a person. It doesn’t matter to me that I can’t put a face to a name or that I haven’t personally met you. What I do know is that…

You have ideas, you have hopes, you have dreams that you want to share with the rest of society. My goal is to help you to translate the ideas, concepts, and stories that you have to a greater audience in a way where it doesn’t get overlooked (as so often people struggle with this).

With your content positioned correctly in front of the right set of eyes, you could…

• Have a successful career and stability.
• Receive better opportunities in your life.
• Create and maintain deeper relationships.
• Gain public interest and become influential.

… And the list goes on. None of these things are possible without human connection because this world is built on the significance of unity, the foundation of association. So, how is this done? You tell a story through your work and through your presentation of it. 

I encourage you to tell instead of sell your idea.

I provide useful content to help you to succeed with the intent to compel your audience. If you ever have inquiries on the work I provide or you would like insight on anything at all, feel more than free to buzz me through email.

How am I capable of helping you?

• I don’t just write information that sounds good. I identify problems and provide you with solutions.
• I take the time to get to know you, your goals, and your audience on a personal and unique level.
• I have valuable past work experience of gaining the attention of prospects while on the job.

I’ve taken a different approach within the field to get back all of what I put in. I not only conduct extensive research to understand what your audience really wants, but I also spend hours upon hours learning the psychology of everyday people (your target).

This means that I learn as much as I can about the people you wish to communicate with and I compile this into a package of information that I provide to you. Research of your audience = increased response rate. Like with anything in life, I’ve learned most of what I know through personal experience and the rest through practice, research, and studying. I have past experience teaching and have helped many people along the way through my methods of simplifying information and sharing it with my students.

I have half a decade of experience managing the workflow of companies:

• I worked with a congregational leader to manage his schedule. Through some hefty phone calls and influential writing, I was able to successfully book him for many opportunities that in return gave his congregation more exposure and his calendar was filled from top to bottom with work. (I was often asked to cancel bookings because there was too many at times.)

• I managed advertising, writing, emails and documentation for a health company and that allowed the business to branch into the online platform of the internet as we know it today to new appealing customers (this business was founded before the boom of the internet era).

• I have worked as a teacher for senior citizens. From the experience of running my own classroom, I had to figure out how to make my lessons appeal to this age group to bring their interest into attending the class and overcoming their fear of using computers. Many fliers were created and it was a learning curve to figure out why some fliers did not gain much interest. Through my conversations with potential students, effective communication, and a lot of determination I was successfully able to do this – so much so that I ran out of seating arrangements for the class attendants.

• I worked with small children in a reading program. Getting children interested in books presented me with a challenge because it’s hard to hold the attention of a child for very long unless you use a creative approach. I was pleasantly surprised when I tackled this! At the end of the program, children were eating candy, reading, coloring and enjoying themselves so much that they didn’t want their parents to take them home.

•  I can confidently provide quality content having created and revised work for multiple advertising agencies, one of my largest clients is an agency that has been listed on Forbes America’s Most Promising Companies List. Furthermore, I have crafted and managed advertising and news articles for over 40+ companies, organizations, firms. These articles have helped the agencies to attract new readers and generate re-shares.

I have worked with ALL age groups. 

What lessons were learned?

Quite a lot actually. I will simply share what you would be interested in hearing. The greatest lesson I realized that has helped me would have to be:

If it’s not quick and easy to understand, you’ve lost them. Children, adults, and seniors are a lot alike. Everyone likes simplicity and people usually have short attention spans especially with people they don’t know.

People either don’t have or don’t want to find the time to hear you carry on in small-talk and chatter, they also don’t have much patience and it’s easy to get antsy when they’re bored. You have to command their attention by putting something in front of them that makes their interest tick. The simpler it is, the better.

Have you done enough to stand out?

You never stop learning and progressing in life. Even if what you’re doing is already working, you can do even more to make it better, greater, easier and guess what? You will instantly stand out because no one else is taking the same steps as you. All you have to do is: Think outside of the box.


You can have the world’s most amazing idea but… 
If you can’t get anyone to stop and listen it will all go in vain.


Get started NOW working towards the results you want.

I encourage you to get in touch with me if you have any questions you want to ask beforehand. I am available at web@penmarketer.com and you may call me at this number: (202)-670-9554.