
“In the presence of the Moon, nobody sees the stars.” 
– Amit Kalantri
The Moon is the world. The Stars are your ideas.

Professional Experience
My content writing and marketing experience spans over many years of work experience. Furthermore, I have worked with over 50+ companies and small business owners. From these projects, I have had exposure and experience in a variety of industries ranging from:

 Dentistry and healthcare field
 Youth Programs and Activities
 Yoga and Meditation
 Interior Decorating
 Holistic Medicine
 Celebrity News
 Real Estate

...and much more. 

One of my top clients has been listed on Forbes America’s Most Promising Companies List.
My Backstory

All of my life, I have been fascinated with discovering new things. I’m Carmen. A millennial born between the later 80’s and early 90’s. I’m based in the District of Columbia. East Coast born and raised. 

I was the curious child that wanted to figure out how things worked. This interest eventually led me to discover my three passions: art, computers, and people. I’ve been a hobbyist of many sorts. Photography, web designing, poetry, digital design and so forth.

But when I got hold of a computer, my world began spinning. I took a hand in html coding and found an endless love for the systematic understanding of a computer. Beyond my love in the hobby of arts and computers, people have intrigued me from even earlier years of my life onward.

I was always described as quiet and shy from older adults because I was the child that didn’t have much to say. In actuality, I was busy listening, observing, analyzing people. It was something I did without any awareness of it. Whenever I was in the presence of people, I became an observer.

This interest of mine grew into a skill as time went on. Having an analytic personality, I grasped computers with ease and could understand people on a deeper level than surface value.
During my first year of college, I remember in my English class all of us students had an assignment for a class presentation. The rest of my peers created informational and historic powerpoints. On the other hand, I had come up with the idea to do a social experiment.

I created three immersive scenarios with variable choices. It was designed to place each student in every mini story and they would select from a range of choices with how they would respond in the event.

I passed out a packet to each student with a story and the selection of choices. Based on the responses of my classmates and through watching their behaviors as they cooperated with the experiment, I was able to get an idea of everyone’s character.

Essentially, it was a social experiment that would give me a better understanding of the personality’s of my peers and it helped me to connect with them better. One of the stories I created in this experiment also described a tangible bullying scenario which opened the discussion among the class about the topic.

The experiment engaged everyone so much and had such a positive response that it brought me closer to many of the students who I was not acquainted with prior. From there, as I began working at corporate jobs, I took the same mentality to all of my forthcoming jobs and found valuable discoveries through this.

Psychology became a topic of massive interest for me and I started studying everything I could get my hands on through countless hours of research, reading books, and through my own experimentation.

Now, I have decided to utilize everything I have learned in the content I create for you, all of the lessons and laws of psychology. All and only what I believe will work for you.
The Creation of Pen Marketer
How do you stand apart from 7+ billion people? 

At last, Pen Marketer is born.

A content marketing business that offers copywriting services for small business owners. Out of everything I have ever created, I am most proud of my business because it gives me the ability to work with other people - in an effort to help them achieve their vision. I decided early on that this wasn’t going to be a business that is bent on selling products and services for the purpose of meeting a sales quotas. That’s one of the things I dreaded most during my years working for corporate.

It’s not a numbers game. It’s a game of change.

It has always bothered me that so many people in this world have amazing ideas and visions but they can’t get out of the groundhog day they live day in and day out. That 9-5 job that keeps them from pursuing their goals. The people that reject them and drive them to give up.

My vision for Pen Marketer is to write for that very person. To make real connections with people and to help those same people make connections with other people, through the content I create for them. With that goal in mind, I am working each new day to help local business owners.

I want to do as much as I can for as many people as I can to give back and provide engaging content to them. I want more small businesses to be heard, seen, and appreciated. I am going to make that possible for you through storytelling content.

Pen Marketer, 
Carmen M.